Friday, March 9, 2012

Blogging is Easy?!

Only if you want everything in black and white! If you want NONE of your own personality added to anything you do then, sure, hop on and start blogging. If you would like some of your personality to shine through on your blog be prepared to arrange and rearrange a template that keeps kicking off your saved changes. I think I jacked with this thing for an hour~homeschooling at the same time~trying to get my changes to stayed saved. Voila! I think I finally managed to make it work!

Starting Off.......
Who am I? Most of you probably know me already. However, should someone stumble across my blog and be slightly interested let me offer a few tidbits in an attempt to entertain you for 5 seconds. My name is Chala. I'm a redhead. A busy redhead. I could probably write that word a million times. Busy. I know I use it at least a million times a day. "I'm busy!" or "I'm too busy!" or "Ask me later, I'm busy!" or even occasionally, "Crap! I got busy and forgot!" Actually, I probably use that last one more than I like to admit to myself.

Why am I so busy? Believe me, I've asked myself this. Here is what I've come up with; I'm a Type A. Meaning I don't like to relinquish control and I fully believe things get done better and faster if I just do them myself. Not only that, but I attempt to take on the world. My husband hates it and I'm working on it! More reasons I'm so busy; 5 children ranging in age from 9 years to 2 months. Homeschooling the school-aged ones. Going to school myself for my teaching degree (almost done!). Being a housewife. Attempting to get some exercise in. I love Zumba and I'm attempting a 5k in June called the Color Run so I like to get time on my treadmill when possible.. I LOVE to run.

Hmmmmm.......maybe it's the Type A in me, but when I write it down it doesn't seem like much. Believe me, it all keeps me busy from dawn till dusk and some of it doesn't even get squeezed in everyday. For instance, I'm supposed to do Zumba three days a week and run three days a week, alternating. BAHAHAHAHAHA! I've managed one day of exercise this week. I might get a second one in today. Supermom? Hardly, although I'm flattered by those who think so. Busy from sun up to sun down? Exactly. I know that one day the kids will be grown up and my husband and I will be able to hang out together without being pounced on. And I will probably miss all of this.

But for now I'm just busy.

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