Friday, March 30, 2012

My Daughter Broke My Announcement

Ok, so she didn't the announcement itself, simply the means of communicating the announcement. I finally became sure enough to make the declaration and BASH~family laptop dropped on the floor! Imagine starting out a lovely spring morning intending to do some homework and a blog post while your kids are on homeschool spring break. You make the children breakfast, nurse the little one and get everyone settled in. You get yourself a cup of coffee and sit down at the computer to start in on your work...... And then you open your laptop. That is how my morning went yesterday. But, when I opened my laptop I didnt get any work done because I encountered a screen that looked like tv "white noise" interspersed with cracks going everywhere. Wait? Wasn't I just on this thing at 6:30am with no problems? Indeed I had been. Awakened by "E" at 6:30am, he insisted I turn on Spongebob for him. He sounded as of he might wither up and die if he didn't get a Spongebob fix, so I obliged. After crawling out of bed looking like a hobo from being up with "J" most of the night, I made the unpleasant discovery that I had forgotten to pay the Dish bill and it was off. Great. The Spongebob addict commenced whining while I hopped ONLINE and paid the Dish and service was restored. All better. So WHY, a mere two hours later, was I sitting in front of a destroyed screen? It had obviously been dropped; I could see the point of impact on the screen. By who? Not by "E", no. He is two; the computer would have been left where he dropped it and not carefully placed on the table and closed it so I was none the wiser. No, it had to be one of the older, sneakier ones, both of whom were sitting on either side of me and I immediately questioned them. Denial from both parties. No surprise. We had a suspicion who it was, but no one was confessing. So, we told them that they could either be banned from ALL technology in the house (our cell phones, Nook, any new computer, their DSs, etc.) indefinitely OR someone could confess and get a 1 month technology ban for lying. The accusations and denials flew all day until I went to class and left them with their Dad. While I was gone the suspected perp confessed. I imagine she didn't want to confess to me when I had just missed a ridiculous amount of homework. So, my daughter broke the announcement I'm wanting to make. I'm typing this post on my phone and it is a PAIN! So the announcement will come in a few days, along with my MacBook Pro. Right now, I'm off to make Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes. Don't worry, I'll document it all for future unbroken blogs. :-) Love and Smiles, Chala

1 comment:

  1. YES, I know there are typos...the product of typing on your iPhone!!!
