Saturday, March 10, 2012

Who LOVES Pinterest?!

*Jumps up and down* Me! ME! I LOVE PINTEREST! I spend ridiculous amounts of time on there, mostly from my phone app while nursing "J". I'd watch TV, but in our household "E" finds it a sin to have the channel changed away from Spongebob, Bubble Guppies, Fresh Beat Band, Mike the Knight, Dora the Explorer or Backyardigans. Does he watch TV all day? No. Mostly he plays, but you can be SURE that as soon as that channel changes, he is in the living room wanting to watch something. As opposed to listening to "Watch Bubble Guppies? Watch Bubble Guppies?" I just play on my phone while listening to the pretend pirate scenes in the background or occasionally catching the sound of Patrick being an idiot on Spongebob and letting out a giggle. Thankfully Spongebob gears some of it's laughs towards the poor parents who they know are being roped into watching their show.

As usual, the kids have sidetracked me, even in a blog! Back to Pinterest. I assume I'm not the only one mentally jumping up and down about their love for Pinterest. So, new question. Who actually USES the stuff they find on Pinterest?*And the room goes silent and all hands go down* Anybody? Hopefully my imaginings of a silent classroom in response to that question are wrong. I have to say, I use it constantly. As a matter of fact, it has now become a weekly ritual alongside my grocery list. When I go to make my grocery list I sit down beside the computer, pull up Pinterest, and pull up all the recipes I'm wanting to try for that week so I can make sure to pick up the ingredients I don't have. I inevitably end up changing the recipes I find to suit me, but I haven't found one yet that wasn't amazing! I have also found homeschool stuff on there that I created and use, the most recent being a chart with different ways to practice spelling words. The girls love it. It has given them a change from the same old 'Write your spelling words in a sentence'.

So, for those of you who love Pinterest, repin like crazy, but never get around to making those yummy dishes or amazing crafts you see, I'm here for you! Or, maybe you are just too leery of messing something up in the process. Again, I'm here for you. I am no chef, although I love to cook and think I do a good job most of the time. Also, I may be the most clumsy person on the planet. Seriously, I sport a Bella-like clumsiness that my husband will confirm. (Yes, that's right, I'm on board with Twilight! Enjoy.) On my right thumb I sport a scar where I sliced a flap of skin almost off my hand. Crap heals, right? Yes, but unfortunately I seem to have taken an important grouping of nerves with it, because that whole side of my thumb has been numb ever since! I offer that up as proof that I am the last person who belongs in the kitchen wielding a knife. Still hungry? Because I'm going to share with you some of my Pinterest cooking experiments, most of which I have already put into my recipe folders on my computer.

Above: The self-inflicted, now healed wound that makes the entire left side of my right thumb numb to all feeling.

Since hubby and I have been trying to eat better in reponse to attempted weight loss and an upcoming 5k, my first recipe will be a moderately healthy but oh-so-delicious and filling one. Coming to you later this afternoon will be STUFFED ZUCCHINI.

Removing a zucchini's guts has never been so entertaining. Post to follow later today.

Love and Smiles,

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